"Ana is not a secret anymore. Ana is her own time. She is Baba Yaga and life and death and rebirth at once. She is an entity, like you both said. She lived through me or I entered into her. Now my life has been a portal of multiple realities too. It's not about an ego journey here. And neither that about that saying, you know an actor played a role of his or her lifetime, I guess from one point it did happen to me and I still cannot realize where Ana is and where I begin. Maybe I was Ana all along. Maybe all females are Anas of this world. I got tired of thinking of who am I. And decided to do a research of pleasure of living.
I can tell you more about the film and Ana if this resonated. Cos If you are working with Ana, you already know, she loves instructions. Intuition. Following the instructions of intuition. For her everything is a ritual. A stone thrown into water that creates resonances all over. She moves and the world moves with her.
I don't know much, all I can share is what I have experienced already."
-Arnolda Noir